Friday 18 October 2013

Loving The Holidays

STILL HOLIDAYING: So the past week has been really really great, in terms of goals and aims, achieved almost all of them in less than a month (the long term ones). Training has been going really great. University work, at a very good point with CCS project and always researching and studying Consumer Behavior, Principles Of Management & Buying and Merchandising.
Holiday wise, i love being on holiday, like almost everyone. I've been going to see a bunch of my friends, doing different things, i love change and doing different things everyday. I went to Fujairah one of the days, with my family, another day we went camping with a bunch of my friends, in Hatta. It was awesome because I've always loved camping and this time it was very organized and everyone did a pretty decent job at bringing everything needed. I love driving off-road. Other days we just had game night at home and so on. So pretty much every day or night something different which was amazing.
So basically holidays have been really awesome, the worst part will be when we go back to uni and they fill our agenda with work & projects we have no time to sleep. It is almost certain this will happen & I will not be surprised when it does.

I'm still shocked on today's date by the way, it feels like yesterday that I was writing the first post on the blog.
I keep saying this but I doubt it will happen, I hope time passes by less quickly, because this is becoming ridiculous.

Unfortunately, It is now time for the end of the post, I hope you're enjoying each and every post of mine, oh and the pictures too. Hope you all have an amazing Eid holiday!
Soon, we will be back in Uni!
Speak soon with a new post!

♥ Giulia Zampieri

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